The Boston Terrier Club

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Rescue / Welfare

The Boston Terrier Club is fully endorsed by the Kennel Club in the Welfare & Rescue of any Boston Terriers in the UK.
If you have a Boston Terrier that you wish to re-home, do not hesitate to contact the Club via the contact page.
The Boston Terrier Club runs entirely on a voluntary basis and provides a temporary foster home for any unwanted Boston Terriers, until a suitable loving home is found.

The Club can:

✓ Collect unwanted Boston Terriers
✓ Provide information to prospective new owners, showing an interest in providing a home for a Rescue Boston.
✓ Provide temporary / foster / permanent homes for Boston Terriers
✓ Voluntary telephone support to help anyone experiencing difficulties in their lives.

If you would like to donate to the Rescue / Welfare of any Boston Terriers that are unfortunate and have to be re-homed, please contact the Treasurer via the Contact page. Running costs are high, vets bills & administration have to be paid for, however the Rescue / Welfare of Boston Terriers is run entirely on a non-profit basis.

DISCLAIMER: – The Boston Terrier Club is not Affiliated nor Associated with ‘UK Boston Terrier Rescue’ or any other named ‘Boston Terrier Rescue’.
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