How to find a Reputable Boston Terrier Breeder.
A reputable breeder is a person who does not breed lots of puppies to sell to just anyone. They care about the welfare of the breed. A reputable breeder only breeds planned litters to maintain or improve the quality of the breed.
A reputable breeder has all breeding stock tested for genetic/hereditary diseases and will only breed a dog that is clear of problems, including temperament problems. Choose a breeder who supplies a complete back-up service after the purchase of your puppy. Choose a breeder who has experience in the breed to help should any problems arise. Choose a breeder who will happily take a puppy back if personal circumstances change and will help with re-homing of a puppy bred by them. Choose a breeder who will let you see the puppies with the Mum. Not all breeders have the sire of the puppies on the premises. Breeders will travel far for the best sire.
Also The Kennel Club ‘Find a Puppy’ –
Discover Dogs at Crufts –
(Click HERE to download a Crufts ‘Discover Dogs’ Fact Sheet on the Boston Terrier)
Attend Dog Shows
Ask a Vet
Contact your local Boston Terrier Breed Club Secretary:
The Boston Terrier Club – 07375 059066 (10am – 7pm Only please)
The Northern Boston Terrier Club – 01706 219902
The Boston Terrier Club of Scotland – 0141 641 8690
Questions your breeder will ask you:
Why do you want a Boston Terrier?
What do you know about Boston’s and their needs?
Do you have other dogs at home, if so how many, what breed/s and what ages?
Do you have a fenced or secure garden?
Will the dog be a house dog?
Where will it sleep?
If you work, what will happen to the dog during the day?
How much time and energy will you devote to playing and training your Boston?
How long will your puppy be left during the day?
Do you live in a house or flat?
Do you think you want a show dog or a pet?
Male or Female?
What questions to ask yourself and the breeder:
Do I have the time, money, commitment to own a Boston?
What health problems does a Boston suffer from?
Have the parents been tested for genetic/hereditary problems and are the results/certificates available?
How long have you had Boston’s?
Can I see the puppies with their Mum?
How old are the puppies?
Where have the puppies been raised? (house/outside)
Do you have a contract of sale?
The best breeders offer contracts that protect not only the buyer and seller, but also the most vulnerable part of the transaction: the puppy.
Are the puppies weaned?
How old is Mum?
How many litters has Mum had?
Have the puppies been wormed?
Have the puppies had any vaccinations?
If so when is the next vaccination due?
Does the puppy look healthy – clean eyes, ears and bottom?
What should I feed my puppy?
Do you have a diet sheet to take away?
What sort of socialisation or experiences has my puppy had so far?
Can I return the puppy if there are any health problems?
Is the puppy Kennel Club Registered?
When collecting my puppy will the KC Registration Papers be ready to take as well?
When can I take the puppy home?
If you intend to purchase a Boston Terrier Puppy Contact the Breed Club Secretary or the Kennel Club for a list of Breeders Names. Try and visit several breeders.
See the puppy with its mother and siblings.
See the puppy in the place where it was bred.
Ask to see any relevant certificates for health tests.
Make sure the puppy has had its eyes tested for cataracts under the KC/BVA eye scheme and/or he or his parents have been tested by the animal Health Trust.
Don’t purchase a puppy under 8 weeks of age.
Don’t purchase a puppy because you feel sorry for it.
Key Questions to Ask:
You now know the things to discuss with a breeder, but there are also questions you should discuss with shelter or rescue group staff or volunteers before you bring home a pup. These include:
What is his energy level?
How is he around other animals?
How does he respond to visitors, children and other dogs?
What is his personality like?
What is his age?
Is he housetrained?
Has he ever bitten or hurt anyone that they know of?
Are there any known health issues?
Wherever you acquire your Boston, make sure you have a good contract with the seller, that spells out responsibilities on both sides, be sure you and the person you get the dog from both understand your rights and recourses. Puppy or adult, take your Boston to your vet soon after adoption. Your vet will be able to spot problems, and will work with you to set up a preventive regimen that will help you avoid many health issues.
Rare/Fault colours in Boston Terriers
Please read the Breed Standard with regard to the correct colours in the Boston Terrier.
Brindle with white markings, brindle must show throughout body distinctly, black with white markings but brindles with white markings preferred. Ideal markings: white muzzle, even white blaze over head, collar, breast, part or whole of forelegs and hind legs below hocks’. The Boston Terrier is not recognised in Red/Blue/Champagne or any solid colour. Unethical Breeders are promoting these colours as RARE
Don’t be fooled into purchasing one of these puppies. It could cost you dearly in the long run due to health issues. Please find a reputable knowledgeable breeder who will help advise you in your hunt for a healthy Boston Puppy. No responsible & ethical breeder will ever breed these colours intentionally.